Week 1

Tips & Tricks
  1. Isolation the rocks (or any other object) around the forest, 'Entity-Deco Rock Forest'
  2. Custom parametres, making the camera zoom in slightly or extremely faster
  3. Going through the terrain with the 'clipping with terrain button' 
  4. 'clipping with terrain button'  Only for terrain not objects or brushes
  5. AI physics-  Enabling you to spawn in the game but still leaving you in editor mode.
  6. Go to position- Place coordinates and it will take you to the exact place.
  7. Show console- allows you to place in comments
  8. Console Variables- enables you to turn sound off or any other option on or off (decreasing or increasing the number)
  9. Console Variable (part 2)- Motion blur, changing the values off or on
  10. Roll up Bar- Anything brought into the editor will be shown up on the roll-up bar, ability to create anything. e.g. entities 
Customising the editor
  1. Drag and drop windows into another to minimise mess in the game. Creating one window with many tabs
  2. Attach panels to the side of the editor, opposed to having the window floating, this will make the editor neat and tidy. 
  3. You can resize the size of each of your windows and tools bars can be turned off or on.
  4. Tools -> Customise tools-> keyboard ->Ability to create customise hot keys. 
  5. Tools -> Customise tools-> comments-> Ability to Drag modules (e.g. time of day) into the panel of your choice.

  1. W- Fly forward
  2. S- Fly backwards
  3. A- Left
  4. D- Right
  5. Right mouse button-> move freely in stationery spot
  6. Middle mouse- Pan
  7. Shift- slightly faster movement across editor


  1. Control + G= Begin play
  2. M- Material editor 
  3. Control + T= Select Objects (list of objects in your scene)
  4. F -Freeze Objects, H- Hide Objects
  5. DB- Database view

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